

Help Support Game Development!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


I've returned home after helping to the extent that I could. I want to offer a sincere thanks to those of you who kicked in a little bit after my last post. You ensured I could hire a high quality psychologist for my sister. I believe that has made an enormous difference.

I'm going to resume work now. I've hired some mappers who will be joining the team and making the game a lot more fun to play.

I also wanted to share this artwork that replaces the stock battle image for the Purified Pixies in the chapel done by Mindwipe. Clever people might think this resembles a certain old ero-manga series. This was intentional.

Also Ilmatar now has an intro scene. Mindwipe laid out the initial setup and then Sleepymaid used that to draw a wholly original picture, as seen below. I expect it to be on a Finnish Metal album cover sometime.


  1. Great work! Plus, it's a good thing you got her therapy early. Looking forward for more updates on the game, and everything else.

  2. Always did FAR prefer Pamilla.

    If I recall, the "purified" ones were creatures we had no choice but to kill, though.

    Now it's gonna be doubly annoying.

  3. Good to hear you got what she needed. Death never comes easy,, especially of this nature and especially when it happens to family, blood related or otherwise. I'm sorry I couldn't put in a little for a fellow developer, but I just don't have the money to spare.

  4. good to hear that she goes better, even if she will still need help! death in general is hard to pas thru if you got no help. she was lucky to have you!!

    i love the pixie pictures!!

  5. oh my god, it's the first hentai manga i ever read

    i didn't know i could get nostalgia off of that, but here we are

    1. Ah, Bondage Fairies, I think that was everyone's first hentai manga, back when having a 100GB HDD was actually an amazing thing and people used DSL.

  6. Awesome news, I kind of hate being a bummer but I am kind of stuck.
    During the tower invasion fight where you have to spilt everyone into three groups.

    I select the first 4 but when I pick the 5th one I can only replace one of the previous 4, am I just being stupid or is it a glitch?

    1. I read the instructions this time ......sry
      Found my problem......

  7. I was wondering when a general update about the game will come out love the game and cant wait to play the others you have plan

    1. hopefully soon but who knows, we just have to wait and see, current version is 0.5.5 i believe?(the sidebar's listed version is out of date)
