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Friday, March 4, 2016

Overwhored Version 1.1

Hello again all! There were some bugs that slipped through the beta tests, I've played through myself and fixed up just about all of them. There will still be a few typos in the items but otherwise this should be good to go. Version 1.1 has nothing new, just bugfixes. If you completed version 1.0 without issue then you won't need this. If you hit a game-stopping bug this should help!!GlwxGAAT!wdyVV3fVTKe9QjAUmQ5arxMRpAODzCqrPuPjD-QZSeI


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bug: I entered the Golem Fort before the dwarf city and, upon exiting, started walking on autopilot across impassable terrain east of the fort and "entered" the sea, whereupon I spawned back on the ship.

    1. Had this issue, or possibly a similar one, as well in 1.0; if I remember correctly, though, all I did was walk toward the city instead of entering it.

      I just checked another issue in 1.1 and it remains: leaving from different locations (Dwarf city, Golem fortress, ship, etc.) will return you to different versions of the world map. Although weirdly enough, in 1.0 one version of the map didn't really work, so I had to get on the ship and leave to get into the working version. In 1.1 both seem to work. I'm very curious which one is the correct version.

      Otherwise, I've been kinda binging on the game for the last few nights. It's fun stuff.

    2. I've got the golem fort. What other locations do you have specifically?

    3. If you're asking about the world map thing, I just checked again and it looks like Golem Fort was the only one still affected. Bilbao, the ship, the raided village, monstergirl village, and Beerenberg all exit to the correct map; that's as far as I've gotten in the game.

      Small note in Bilbao: the man you have to talk to as a High Priest can be retriggered, causing him to walk into the wall.

    4. Sorry to butt into this conversation, but I can't seem to find the path to the Tower of Heaven. There's no way to physically get to the tower due to a texture of hills stopping me from being able to land there. Is there another path or is this a bug?

    5. Ah, just noticed: taking the volcano exit from Beerenberg also takes you to the Old World Map, at least at my current point in the game (just after Lapland). I don't remember if this was the case the first time you take that exit.

    6. i had the same bug with the golem fort ( which is connected to the old map). Moreover i was able to pass to the city behind the fort (where you need to found a way to stop the armour) and that without deafeat the dwarf woman in the volcano, (sorry don't remember her name) but the problem is that she is in the discussion when we arrived in the town... Sorry i'm french so trying to exxplain what is the bug is difficult^^

    7. to get into the heavens tower, you just have to get back to the teleport crystal in the ice castle, then you can use it to get to the island

    8. It's probably due to the skip mechanic, but while storming the dwarf prison, there are no sprites outside of battle. Also, after reaching the top floor, the game freezes when trying to fight the mayor.

  3. Thank you very much for all your hard work. To start a project is impressive but to stick with it until the end is even more impressive. In the wasteland of half-completed games and unfinished demos your work stands out like a beacon of hope.

  4. Can't seem to get to the tower. I keep circling the island, there's no way to get in. As for having Joy in the party, I do have her in there...I'm not sure what to do.

    1. You need to go to Lapland and click on the ice teleport crystal.

  5. does this fix the issue of not being able to load older save files??

  6. All end game items sold at the forge are broken. Some armors do not even have their icons in the buy list. There are two Orihalcum bows and no Mythril bow. None of the two handed swords is stronger than the Zweihander or even their one handed alternatives. The Saint Robe only has a plain def bonus.

    From what it seems Orihalcum is the balanced option, Mythril is the trade-off with magical bonuses and Adamantium is the the one with higher base attributes but slower (lower agi), none of that happened, they seem to be copies of each other, even the circlet like headgear's are not giving magical bonuses.

    Quite frankly, you should review it all or consider returning the forge the the previous chapter list when it was still functional.

    By the way, Joy with her gear still locked as they were (cloak, whip, etc) when she was the tower mistress does not make sense. If you want to keep gear locked with special status, at least change it after she reveals her true form.

  7. Nope. All good. Just awesome gameness. Thanks for all the hard work boss.

    Side note: I've wanted to do that to Rubati since I saw the concept art. Such a satisfying pay-off.

  8. When you talk to Skree in her bedroom and refuse to fuck her the first time, but accept her second advance, her face avatar is swapped out with some default RPGmaker one. While this is probably a bug, it'd be funny if in later games you build on it as some sort of super voyeur that's managed to sneak into the overminds tower.

  9. Rubati's Resurrect crashes the game with a missing audio file error.

  10. In the lava hopping section of the tower, there is a spot where you can head downwards despite there being no platform. This lands you in the lava and won't let you move or jump out, forcing you to reload the game.

    In addition, unless I missed something, there are no resting places in the final tower. That means the game can easily become unwinnable unless you stocked up on enough MP potions.

  11. I copied my save over from the release version post-ending. "Weather" effect still present and the debug feature isn't there, which means it also isn't crashing my game on the bright side. I could see accepting it as a feature, it's not that bothersome.

  12. Looks like your fire-crazy slave's skill is still called 'Firey', not 'Fiery'.

    Also, The debug cat is still there on my fresh start through the game. I figured he's go.

  13. In the tower of heaven, after I defeated the fire angel I tried to go back where I faced her in order to see if I had missed anything, but after moving to the area I couldn't go back to the tower.

  14. After I beat the joy I went back to the lava room and now I can't go back. Is there a way back?

  15. After beating the game, the screen is letterboxed and the bottom edge is darkened. Could you please do something about that? It's really irritating...

  16. Can anyone help me, im stuck with "box of little flags" , i can't find the merchant in The house with Red Roof , only 2 kids inside.

    1. You're looking in the wrong house. Several houses have red roofs. The correct house is in the northeast.

  17. I wish we had a non-jokey scene for robo-Bilbine. That poor girl.

    Anyway, bugs!

    Game crashes when making the potion for Branda because sound effect Clock.ogg is misnamed _Clock.ogg

    Branda's Milky Mind doesn't cure any statuses, probably because it "cures" them at 0% success chance.

    Rubati's Cleanse and Purge Impurity target an enemy, not an ally.

    The Overforge doesn't seem to produce anything but iron maces.

    Boss Bilbine resurrects her mechs and raises her shield before any of the party gets their turn, generally leading the party to receive 4 counterattacks that round and die.

    Bilbine's Mega Mecha Smash uses MP, not WP, but is under Special.

    Ilmater's Double Attack uses MP, not WP, but is under Special.
    It also has base damage of 1, not 100 as seems intended.

    Ilmater's Linnunrata seems to be Wind element, not Ice.

  18. Just like the previous updates, I can't play with my old save files. It used to work before, with dragging my files over to the next update then I'll play. Now it's not working anymore. I dragged my old save files to the 1.1 version. The game works, but it will not let me play the game with my save files. So I can't even finish the game :/

  19. I've found a few more bugs:

    There is no animation for wind attacks!

    When I went to the checkpoint after being attacked by Augr the first time and was rejected by the robots when I returned to the overworld map, my character walked to the right, on a apparently predestined path, and then vanished. I was then returned to the ship which, thankfully, was still in the right place.

  20. im stuck here imgur(DOT)com/a/rbGaP didn't read the conversation and now i don't know how to enter/teleport to this island...

  21. can we get another link outside of mega
    it is croupting game file or missing game files when i extract

  22. error: "Unable to find file: Audio/BGS/Clock"
    started with 1.1, iam on the step where i got the breastmilk / potato and the zombie bottle.
    when i go to the lap and try to get the potion the screen goes black (Laboratory font comes up) -> error (see above) and the games crashes.
    i already tryed to disable all stuff (F1) but it didn´t helped.

  23. redownloading fixed it -> nvm <3

  24. Just reporting a minor bug that could freak you out for a minute.

    I was at the bandit camp, fighting in the arena. After I defeated the champion, the person at the gate changed. So I re-enter, and the enemies are far stronger. I manage to win and leave after, and somehow, I end up at the Overmind's (currently not built) barracks. This occurred before I spoke to the Queen of Sayda about the boat.

    1. same issue, the built place that shouldn't be there and warp back to town

  25. I have encountered problem with one of the angels(elvel temple).
    i went here and opened 2 chests. then go into other temples.
    now i have opened all chests and looks only 3 items, so i cannot find 4th.

    no save before tower, so for me save is lost now.

    or may be there possible to fix?

  26. skipping ahead does not work. upgrades are not done and you can't go upstairs to the living quarters because it says they haven't been repaired. i'm not grinding through it all either just to have to do so again...

  27. To Whom It May Concern:

    I was able to use the debug chest twice to level up my characters. Once at the start and the second after Crystin enters the party. After that, I'm not able to access it again. Is there a certain way to open it, or is it random?

  28. To Whom It May Concern #2:

    I noticed a bug. After talking with Melita and getting access to the arena. I went to the arena. I completed the arena twice in a row and left the arena. Somehow, I got access to the barracks portion of the Overmind camp. I was able to leave and my progress wasn't affected. It was just odd.

  29. Another bug: You cannot use Rubati´s skill Resurrection, the game crash for missing files.

  30. I concluded it, excellent porn game and good art, the Order Mechanical, the puzzles, the dark humor and the script fights got me several times. I miss more scenes with the Misstress, in her rogue dress (the foot scene is good, but a sex scene still missing).

  31. Can not go back to the Ice continent, froze in place when entering the camp.

    1. Oh and there is no path to the Final Tower on the island even after having the Tower Mistress join the Party

    2. Ya... struck on the "Landing" map. Cannot access the Ice continent is kinda sucks.

      The final tower you mean the tower of Heaven right? the place where we fight Joy. You could teleport to the entrance of the island.

  32. Hrm, I seem to have gotten some items early without doing anything. Like potatoes. Or the banner I'm supposed to grab - "hey, prove that you can actually do it by getting that banner!" *talks again* "You have it?!" Well, yeah, I was surprised, too, given that I hadn't even moved and somehow acquired it. ^^

  33. One of the caves on the hidden mountain path has a bad exit location.

    And I think the path past the stairs to the confrontation to the lava angel is wrong too.

    Also, the final island has really poor clipping. There is a clipping error on the first screen. And the tower has a lot of strange clipping in the center room. And the bottom right tower room not only lacks items, but has a misplaced shadow.

    And in general, the final areas are lacking in recovery spots.

  34. Managed to get a game stopping bug, I neglected to access the Lapland portal until after I cleared the area, and then I wasn't able to head to the island using the crystal there. Lucky I had a save before beating the place, but it'd be easy to save over it.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. every time i try to go to the ice place it shows the "we're almost here" message, then cuts to black and does nothing

  37. Finished the game and feeling good,but sadly like many above me has mentioned there are still many bugs. Although most of them are not game-breaking,but they are kinda annoying when found. I feel kinda bad for listing down the problems i found,but i like the game enough to care for it.

    The only game-breaking bug left is when during post-game , you take the ship and sail to the ice continent "Landing" map you will get struck there and not able to move.

    Other non game-breaking bug I can still remember are...
    - Alighting from ship will make your walking speed lower than usual.
    - After the event at Beerenbery. Going back to the Prison of Beerenberg and go all the way to the 4F. You will suddenly get engage with a fight.
    - Many items are without description. Like the four Holy item for fighting one of the angel(no spoiler here ;) )
    - Mysterious item called "Buffing item" . i don't even remember where i got it. It has no description and no effect when i used it.
    - The end game items sold by the blacksmith has many problems(someone already mentioned them above me)

    Other misc issues that are not bug...
    - There is a need to explain the stats. Having played many RPG game i could assumed what they do ,but not everyone can do the same. Atk and SPI ,def and MDef are easy to figure out. Agi and luck are more subtle. I would assume that Agi determine who goes first and Luck influence the chance of Critical
    - The icon for buff are not good representation. Why is Atk buff a green potion icon and Def Buff a poison potion icon?
    - The icon beside each skill is kinda not good in representing what the skill's element is about. I still have no idea what is the difference between Mech Punch, Mech Smash ,Laser 1 ,Buzzsaw(no icon!!!), Plasma Bolt.
    - The function to check weakness of the enemy is useless. Most of the time it show no weakness but end up having a weakness which is discovered accidentally or the icons are doesn't represent the element weakness well at all.
    - The hidden move of the heroine are weak. Why does Plasma Storm deal lesser damage than Laser 3 and Regina di spade branda weaker than Temepesta di spade. Quake 3 is about the same power as Trick shot for lesser mana consumption (?.?)
    - Lack of healing between fight of the three Angel is brutal LOL. Imagine someone didnt bring any Lust Draft. He is gonna get struck.
    - Paralysis and Fear debuff are very strong. I can totally shutdown Joy by using Overlord's terrify and Bilbine's paralysis potion. Poison is strong too but still ok.
    - Sometimes the map is big,yet it felt empty because there are no reward to loot. Such as the hidden map(it can be access when switching off the main fire switch behind Audr's throne) on the right side in Audr map.
    - Post game is empty except a small dialog about thanking us and hinting of Overlord 2.
    - I was expecting post game has content about the sealed titanspawn daughter at the monster village.
    - I was expecting some interesting content at the big mountainous continent at the bottom right side of the world map.
    - Ilmatar's chapter is too short. i want MORE RAWR!!!
    - The enemy isn't too tricky enough to warrant frequent changing of Overlord's order. I only ever use Destroy them(99% of the time upon acquire) or Focus.
    - My Servant Quarter and Bond Slave Quarter are still very empty. T.T
    - I want to do more things with the Cow Girl Farm =(
    - lastly,i may be a idiot here but... i don't quite understand Joy's explanation during her big reveal at the base of the Tower of Heaven. Why cannot she just go get the sword and kill Overmind immediately upon revival? The whole chaos thing flew over my head.

    At the end of the day i still liked the game.Thank you very much. I will want to play your next game ;)

    1. I want to know where is Oliver Gobstone(the missing person mentioned on a side panel on the base of the volcano ) and the empire of Rusk. Side quest, Yeay!!!

    2. Totally agree with most of it except the mountain thing. Thats where the heaven tower is.
      One thing nobody mentioned yet and freaked me a little, is a bug where you go to the arena in the desert after the 1st time clearing it and after beating it again you are brought to the arena of the tower, which you dont even posses until later.

  38. I cant get past Bilbao town or something. I found inquisitor but every time i speak to him he just talks about priest convincing him to drink. What should i do?

  39. Im stuck on Ilmatar's island in which i have to go back there for the crystal and instead of putting me in the correct area im stuck in the wooden area that would usually lead to the ship so i can't progress forward or anything. I don't what to do so if this is a bug or anything or something help would be appreciated.

    1. man, how can i get to ilmatar's island? in stuck in this part

    2. Same here i call the ship go there but its inactive, when i go to a part near island it said 'We are near' then game goes black.
      Is it a bug or what

  40. My gods Cypress, you are an excellent writer! I've recently picked up from where I left off ages back, and while I haven't finished the game, I think I'm pretty close! the whole reveal between Rubati and The Overmind just left me with a happy grin on my face, and if any story, (game, show or otherwise) can do that, its bloody well written! thank you for Overwhored! I look forward to that expansion and sequel you mentioned a while back! ~Dkcydr

  41. Hey so the "Fastforward" during combat doesn't work. I hold Shift and it doesn't go faster. Watching all the animations is pretty slow when I'm grinding.
    I tried other buttons but nothing is making it move faster.

  42. how to get to ilmatar tower? i call ship go to island but the tower is inactive. when i go by ship near a patch of entereance then it said ' we r near' and games goes black. Do not know what to do.

  43. If you're trying to transfer your save from 1.0 to 1.1, open the Overwhored 1.0 folder, copy the desired save file, and paste it in the Overwhored 1.1 folder

  44. Can anyone advise i am stuck in the catheral and there is no way i can enter as there is a barrier or i need a key to the door which i cannot open.. thanks

  45. Is there suppose to be a spa/bath scene in the game? I have not beaten the game yet but I gotten to point where I defeated Bilbine and before the enemies invasion to overmind's tower. I was thinking that I was supposed to not enter the secret area of Audr's volcano due to the fire spirits are required to be alive in order to get fire crystals for bath/spa.

  46. The game seems to always softlock when returning to the the camp in lapland.
    I can't move, but everything else is fine.

  47. I don't know how no one has realized this, but this guy gave up on this game around chapter 4. The first parts of the game were balanced and really enjoyable. Id go so far as to even say well written.

    But once you escape goblin isle, I swear, the quality plummets. Bugs everywhere. Unfinished content everywhere. All heroes after Branda are worthless. The writing is stupid. People don't respond differently when things change. You stop recruiting slaves.

    There is a lot of insinuation that there is more to be done but there simply isn't.

    After he finished Sayda, he decided he was bored with the game so he finished it up ASAP all bugs included so he could say he finished a game (despite it not really being what most would call "finished") and get funding for the next game. Guess its always about the moolah.

  48. Does anyone have a map or something that I can use, I cannot find the trading fort.

  49. ive been playing the game awhile now(love it and wish their were more games like this !!!) sometimes when I leave a fight or a town area (going to the world map) I exit the overminds tower and he walks through water back to where he was at. first started noticing this bug after taking over the ship captain and getting to the island with the dwarven town and monstergirl village.
