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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

October Releases

So here's some quick notes. First, the bonus sketches will be sent out once most payments are processed on about the 5th of October, as will the preview for Home Invasion.

For those of you who haven't heard much about it Home Invasion is going to be a more mind control and incest heavy visual novel. What's coming out in October is -JUST- proof of concept. It covers the first day of gameplay. There are plenty of assets but they're all sketch level. I'm using Tyranobuilder for the demo so it will also work on Macs. 

This is a good time for me to announce that I'm working with another writer for this project. I've enjoyed his work for a while now and once I brought up the idea for the story to him he leaped on board the project. This author is called Pan and he specializes in... well, mind control and incest. He is an expert at what he does. Most of the concept demo was written by him based on an outline we brainstormed. I've done some little stylistic tweaks but he should get the credit for a lot of the opening here. I'm trying to make sure Overwhored gets finished and be a full time farmer so his assistance here is a big deal. There would -be- no proof of concept without him as I wouldn't have had the time to write everything that's in it. If you're interested in seeing what his work is about you can see his Patreon here.

The next beta release of Overwhored for patrons should be on the 7th of October. I wanted to make it the 1st but just got the Ice Queen chapter's maps from my mappers in today. I've done a lot of the background work already but as you can imagine I can't assemble everything and have it bug-free in a day. 

Don't worry though. Completion of Overwhored is still on-schedule. After the Ice Queen there's one chapter left, then there'll be a month of tweaks and fixes. That's it! I know, I know - the current version is 5.5, and we're jumping straight to 1.0? Well, there's a little secret to that. There's 7 heroines, and seven chapters. Version 7.77 is actually version 1.0. You're fighting good guys and the last heroine is a holy one - you should expect a holy number for her chapter. The expansion will work towards the 1.0 tally. Since the expansion is about invading heaven, 7.77 is a good place to start, no? 

Once Overwhored is done I'll get people working on Home Invasion and I'll start work on the expansion for Overwhored. Don't worry, I'm not abandoning my RPG roots to just make visual novels! 

Oh, and for those of you curious about Bilbine's rewrite the opening picture is going to be one of her new sex scenes. She needed a bit of something other than just traditional brainwashing.

At some point next year I hope to stop doing farming altogether and just make games full time. It'll be a big change and if it does happen it'll be because you all helped me out. Thanks for being fans!

Oh, if you're lucky enough to be reading this in time Zyii and Sleepymaid are multistreaming. Either link below will take you to the multistream.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

New Art Team Member: Zyii!

I'm pleased to announce that a friend of mine, Zyii, has joined the art team! I'm not sure how much she'll do in the long run. For now she's done a new monster to replace the tentacle monsters that came with the system. It's always good to have custom art rather than premade assets.

She's also active in the mind control community and often streams stuff with other artists; she's practically a living hub of art activity. The Ice Princess will be using her name as a cameo.
Zyii's work can be found here.

While I'm discussing art allow me to show you a few other recent battle pics. These were a collaboration between Sleepymaid (color) and Mindwipe (Lineart). These will replace the Slime Angel and Slime Angel Queen, respectively.

This new Tasa battle sprite was done entirely by Mindwipe:

Also this month's bonus pics are going to be done by both Mindwipe and Drew. I've given a preview of Drew's work, this will be a preview of Mindwipe's work.

The new maps are still getting worked on. If this means the next beta doesn't come out on the 1st I'll still put it up ASAP once I have them in and can get everything running smoothly. I will show you a preview of the Ice Palace. The professional team of mappers I'm using are called Black Coffee Maps. Thanks to your donations I can now afford to pay people who have real skill in this.

Finally I am prepared to put out a proof-of-concept game strictly for $20 tier donors. This is a preview of Home Invasion (working title) the visual novel I'm going to make next. I'm also having some work done to preview some scenes from that game on the sketch level. This'll also be the $20 tier. Below is a preview of what it'll look like. Keep in mind that this is simply assembling some sketch level assets and some first draft scripts. This will NOT reflect the quality level of the end-product, I simply want people to know what I'll be doing next. Once the assets are on a higher level I'll release it to the $1 tier, though that may be a few months away.

Thanks again for all the support you all have shown! Without you I wouldn't be able to do a tenth of what I'm doing!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

On the Next Update

Hey all, been super duper sick the past few days, so I'll keep this short.

1: When is the next update?
Answer: The 1st of October

2: Why isn't it this month?
Answer: I had unavoidable business that kept me from getting the last release out on time. However it did allow me to do something awesome - hiring a team of very skilled map designers who can make better stuff than I ever could. Rather than rushing out crappy maps myself for a 14th of September release date and then having them remake it they're making the expert maps from scratch.

3:  What else are you doing, you slacking slacker who slacks?
Answer: Working on the visual novel that'll be coming up once Overwhored is finished. I have a working mockup of part of the intro done. I'm hoping that Overwhored will have the main story finished by November 1st and the final polished release (all major bugfixes and features finished) December 1st. Small bugfix releases should follow but that'll be it for the game. I have also been harvesting watermelon and various other crops. Mmm. Watermelon.

I also tried to reinstall and play Skyrim to relax right before I got sick but realized that the game wouldn't work with over 400 mods and so gave up. (It turns out the limit is 255) There's no point in playing without ten different mods for torches. I mean come on. You need your modded torch for proper realistic lighting, your torch mod for realistic smoke, your torch mod for the character holding the torch higher, the mod for extending light projection, the torch mod for changing textures to make everything look cooler... Did I mention I don't even use torches in that game? This consumed an evening before I realized I had my fun in picking out mods - the game was unnecessary.

The last thing I've been working on is making sure new bonus sketches go out this month. I've tried new artists for the past few months and they just can't get shit in within a month's period (or any period), so I went back to my reliable artists instead of having them design stuff for the next game. I'm gonna make a bunch. See this post about why Patreon donors will get a message after their donations have been processed rather than just having it put  up as a public gallery this month.

Not all the sketches are done yet. If  you want to tell me what characters you wanna see in the bonus sketches let me know here.

Drew is now doing sketches for the bonus gallery. Here's a preview of what he's adding! This month I'll have some sketches from Mindwipe and Drew, possibly others!

4: What were you sick with?
Answer: Who knows, doesn't matter. Had several days of worse body aches than I've ever had from any flu or other illness. No other symptoms. Then I went to soak in a local hot spring and upon returning slept for a solid 24 hours. I woke up today and I feel more or less fine, I'm largely over it. Hot springs and sleep are both awesome, as is the immune system. Pretty sure time and the immune system fixed it but the sleep and hot springs sure felt good. Seemed to work out.

5: Which Skyrim Waifu Best Waifu?
Lydia. That Daria-tier unenthusiastic dialogue is super hot. There are plenty of other great characters but she's still my favorite. Who hears her speak and DOESN'T immediately imagine her carrying some of your lewd "burdens"? Old game but fun memories. Fallout 4 is gonna be a blast.

Well, that's all for now!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


I've returned home after helping to the extent that I could. I want to offer a sincere thanks to those of you who kicked in a little bit after my last post. You ensured I could hire a high quality psychologist for my sister. I believe that has made an enormous difference.

I'm going to resume work now. I've hired some mappers who will be joining the team and making the game a lot more fun to play.

I also wanted to share this artwork that replaces the stock battle image for the Purified Pixies in the chapel done by Mindwipe. Clever people might think this resembles a certain old ero-manga series. This was intentional.

Also Ilmatar now has an intro scene. Mindwipe laid out the initial setup and then Sleepymaid used that to draw a wholly original picture, as seen below. I expect it to be on a Finnish Metal album cover sometime.