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Friday, March 7, 2014

Bug Fix Release on Monday

Sorry folks, I've been utterly CONSUMED with work this week. I meant to have the bug fix release out on Monday, but I haven't had any real free time at all.

That said, I'll have it out on next Monday. This is all the news I have to post. The rest of this is just pointless silliness.

Now that said, I'll chat a bit about non-game stuff I've been doing.

Like I said, I haven't had any real free time lately, but since Twitch Play's Pokemon came out  and was super interesting and because several of my friends talked about it nonstop for years, I recently decided to go back and play Pokemon Red.

I was never into the games as a kid. I watched the show (first season) on occasion but it was all aired out of order and irregularly. My family was FAR too poor to afford a gameboy, either, so I simply never bought any. As a result I really know basically nothing about Pokemon, except that I had the biggest crush on Sabrina watching the show as a kid. (Definitely a sign of my interests later on)

Besides, I know what my tolerance for grinding is. Roughly half of an Atlus game that I really like. And I knew perfectly well that I would have to tackle this in VERY small chunks or I'd quickly burn out and never play another game. Fortunately my emulator has a fast forward button and the normally very drawn out walking sequences and fights are over in just a few seconds. In ten minutes I can easily level up any new catch to the level of the main party going at 4000x speed.

I think I'm about halfway through the game, as I just got surf and beat a gym there.

My current roster.  A Hypno, A Haunter, A Dux, a Pikachu, a Gyrados, and my starter which became an Ivysaur.

Sleeps got a kick out of being named after a hypno. It made me think about what some of us in the MC community would be. PChronos would definitely be a Espeon, since he did quite a bit of MC art (which was not to my tastes, but pretty funny) featuring that one.

Still - I had to wonder. What would I be? Obviously psychic type. They're my favorite type anyway. Not terribly powerful, not high leveled. But I wasn't too satisfied with the ones I was familiar with, so I looked up a list. Kadabra? No. Psyduck? Amusing as hell, but no.

And then I came across this one, Espurr:

Cat-like (I'm a cat-person), psychic, big dead eyes. Hmm. Promising...

Oh my.


Well, now that I'm decided that this is definitely my favorite, I guess I've got just one question.


  1. James Brown would have approved of that question. :)

  2. That picture is funny as hell! I can see a childhood Overlord saying that to his first victim.

    1. Considering that he's an immortal god-like being of lust, I have doubts he was ever a child.

  3. surely
    should be

  4. Do you also fry everything's brain within a few hundred metres if your ears are uncovered?

  5. when will you write the post about the donation now that you got 100% of the funds?
    when the blow job baker from branda's tasa's castle will move to the tower?

    1. When I put out the bug fix release I'll talk about future funding. When I put out ver 0.4.5a you'll get stuff like the blow job chef in Sayda palace. Basically that'll be me going back and doing detail work.

    2. thanks for the reply i think your game is great looking forward to future releases
